H UEFA στην επιστολή που έστειλε στην ΕΠΟ στις 29 Μαΐου με αποστολέα τον Λούκα Νίκολα και αποδέκτη τον Βαγγέλη Γραμμένο απέρριψε το αίτημα της ΕΠΟ για αύξηση των μελών της ΕΕ της Ομοσπονδίας.
Όμως δεν είναι αυτό το σημαντικό.
Ο αξιωματούχος της Ευρωπαϊκής Ομοσπονδίας προτρέπει τον Β.Γραμμένο να συνομιλεί με τον Γ.Γεραπετρίτη!
Είναι ασυνήθιστο η UEFA να αγνοεί τόσο επιδεικτικά τον αρμόδιο υπουργό Αθλητισμού (Λ.Αυγενάκης).
Ιδού η επιστολή που υπάρχει στην ιστοσελίδα dikisports:
«Dear President,
Thanks again for taking the time to speak with us yesterday evening.
As discussed, we would like to re-emphasise our strong advice not to proceed with the proposed amendment to increase the number of members of the HFF Executive Committee from the current 17 to 21. In fact, during the statutes revision process in 2017, FIFA and UEFA recommended reducing the number of Executive Committee members to 13. The current composition with 17 members therefore already represents a compromise agreement with FIFA and UEFA. An increase to 21 members as proposed would not only exacerbate the management of the Executive Committee and make it less efficient, but it would also change the balance in the stakeholder representation in a critical way. Finally, the timing of the proposed amendment shortly prior to the elections of a new HFF Executive Committee is precarious.
In general, and while we see merit in exploring possible improvements to the HFF Statutes, we strongly recommend to have this discussion after elections have taken place.
Finally, regarding the issue of the timing of the HFF elections, we welcome your efforts, in line with our letter dated 25 May 2020, to reach out to the Minister of State, Mr Giorgios Gerapetritis, and look forward to receiving your feedback on the discussion in due course.
We wish you a successful meeting today.
Kind regards,
Luca Nicola
Head of National Governance & Global Institutions
Executive Office / National Governance & Global Institutions